Sunday, October 7, 2012

National Education Philosophy

   This is something we, as a educator, must bury inside our head.
Read it and memorize it if you haven't. :)

Education Philosophy
Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner, so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving high level of personal well-being as well as being able to contribute to the harmony and betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large.

We have been given the trust and it is our responsibility to make sure its a success.

Responsibility finds a way. Irresponsibility makes excuses!-Gene Bedley

Friday, October 5, 2012

Teaching Philosophy

What can i understand by the word of philosophy is that its act as a guide or an aspiration in any ways possible to achieve something valuable in life. A philosophy is something we believe on about how to live or how to deal with a situation. As for myself, i always believe and always keep that when we ask we will get.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use in order to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

Education can change someone life.  Education makes us a better person. Education is a life-long learning process for one's entire life.

As a future fully dedicated teacher,  i'm imposing these as my goal:

  • engaging in every duty that involved students and school
  • approached my students with an effective ways to nurture or instill knowledge and the love of learning
  • differentiate the lesson to meet the needs of better understanding
  • be an inspiration to student to continue the process of learning
  • provide a safe and student-centered environment which foster comfort and individually concept
  • respect the diversity of my student
  • used the facilities provided and the technologies implemented to make the lesson more effective and an impact

Some of my favorite quotes,
To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society. - Theodore Roosevelt
There are two reasons why people learn; one because someone said you can't, and the other because someone said you can. - Howard Wilson
It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows. ~Epictetus